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Customer Service Management
Membership Marketing Campaign


The beauty industry remains highly competitive, with numerous brands vying for attention within the same market size, offering similar product features, and targeting similar consumer groups. To gain a competitive edge, Shiseido needs to enhance its online marketing engagement to stand out and secure a stronger foothold in the market.

Stand out in the beauty industry by excelling in each marketing funnel by capturing extensive consumer feedback on products to provide in-depth market reactions and research to accomplish effective consultations.
Implemented targeted marketing campaigns with a gamification marketing strategy to create two-way communication and engagement between the brand, campaigns, and consumers.

Taking You to the
Next Level of Success


Consultation and Market Research | Image
Interactive Communication | Image
AR Technology Integration in Chatbot | Image
Campaign Organization | Image
Redemption Programme Enhancement | Image
Customer Service Subscriptions | Image

Consultation and
Market Research

To help Shiseido stand out and stay top-of-mind, we conducted an in-depth analysis of consumer preferences. Our approach to content planning and scheduling focused on providing consumers with a comprehensive product experience, emphasizing a holistic journey rather than pushing standard product features readily available on the website. We extended our research to grasp the trends in China. Managing Shiseido’s presence on Weibo, we tailored our content and messaging for the Chinese audience, ensuring consistency in the brand message while adapting our approach to cater to the unique needs of Chinese users.


Interactive Communication

Our approach emphasizes interactive communication, moving beyond one-way promotion and product updates. We actively encourage a two-way dialogue with our customers, valuing their feedback and addressing concerns about our products and brand. This not only demonstrates our genuine care for our customers but also ensures that our communication feels personalized and less intrusive, avoiding any sense of being overly promotional.


AR Technology
Integration in Chatbot

We’ve integrated cutting-edge AR technology into our chatbot, offering users an immersive experience with our Face Detection feature. This innovative technology accurately maps the participant’s lip location and applies a subtle layer of the chosen shade from our Cashmere Lipstick Series. Alongside this, our chatbot seamlessly incorporates camera filters, emulating the lipstick colors flawlessly. This engaging experience not only showcases our products in a unique light but also provides users with a fun and interactive way to explore our offerings.


Campaign Organization

In addition to AR gamification, our team has successfully organized various campaigns for Shiseido. For example, our content marketing team orchestrated the Ultimune Eye online campaign on Instagram. In this initiative, customers followed Shiseido Hong Kong’s Instagram account, utilized their powerful eye sticker, posted it on their stories, and tagged @shiseidohk. This action activated the chatbot, prompting customers to answer specific questions to fulfill the mission. Upon completion, customers received a confirmation SMS, allowing them to redeem their gift at Shiseido’s offline shops.


Redemption Programme Enhancement

Our team seamlessly integrated Adobe Experience Cloud, enhancing Shiseido’s customer experience through a streamlined redemption system. With this system, members can effortlessly redeem points, gifts, or rewards. All transactions are efficiently recorded in the backend, ensuring a smooth and transparent process for Shiseido’s valued members.


Customer Service Subscriptions

Our customer service team helps Shiseido handle general inquiries, campaign-related inquiries, or complaints. As there are different issues case by case, our customer service representative will draft the reply for Shiseido, and their internal team will amend or approve the draft before sending it out. Our team will create a monthly report at the end of the month to let Shiseido have a better view of their ticket summary.



We’re committed to fueling business growth
and enhancing customer retention.