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Marketing Automation streamlines your marketing, connecting with audiences and boosting brand visibility. KlikNBlast, an automated CRM, helps manage campaigns, nurture leads, and personalize experiences efficiently.

Campaign Builder
Mini-Program Builder

A dynamic web tool empowering organizations to swiftly create engaging minisites for events, campaigns, products, or services. These focused mini-programs effectively guide visitors to take desired actions, whether it’s purchasing, registering, or gaining crucial information.

Easily launch real-time communications through the web, apps, emails, and SMS using customized campaigns. This ensures timely and relevant engagement triggered by specific customer actions, such as welcoming new sign-ups with special gifts and surveys.

Deliver targeted campaign broadcasts to precise subscriber segments. Businesses can send out tailored promotional campaigns exclusively to customers who haven’t purchased in the last 90 days. Additionally, they can execute cross-selling campaigns aimed at individuals who’ve expressed interest in specific products.

Implement lead generation forms to allow visitors to sign up as members. These forms can be configured to display under specific circumstances, such as only to first-time visitors and not to the same person within the next 3 days. This helps maintain website traffic flow without excessive interruptions.

Incorporate dynamic content blocks into your campaigns, especially advantageous for AI-driven product recommendations or cart recovery based on Customer Journey Tracking. When subscribers or members engage with their campaign, dynamic blocks will showcase products or cart items aligned with their preferences.

Create effective survey campaigns to gather valuable customer feedback, aiding in enhancing products, and services, and improving customer satisfaction.

Seamlessly integrate with your existing marketing tools, such as Mailchimp, WordPress, and Attentive, ensuring a cohesive automation marketing strategy.

Leverage versatile campaign templates catering to diverse campaign types. Additionally, apply CSS coding for additional customization as needed.

& Features


We’re committed to fueling business growth
and enhancing customer retention.