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Embrace Digital Change,
Unlock Boundless Potential

Hey there! I’m Jeffrey Hau, and my journey in the digital world started after I wrapped up my psychology degree at UCLA. Imagine coming back to the bustling streets of Hong Kong from the tech haven of Silicon Valley – it was a whirlwind of inspiration! Seeing how social media platforms were evolving at breakneck speed and realizing the limitations of traditional advertising in this digital age, I decided to dive in.

In 2012, I laid the foundation of Prizm Group. From our humble beginnings, we’ve now blossomed into a global powerhouse with a team of over 200 passionate professionals. Our HQ is right here in Hong Kong, and we’ve spread our wings to SG, AU, NZ, JP, and China.

As digital pioneers, we recognized the need for seamless customer relationship management, leading us to develop KlikNGo, a cutting-edge CRM system. KlikNGo isn’t just software; it’s your personalized assistant in the digital world. It streamlines interactions, tracks customer behavior, and optimizes your client relationships.

Our team is dedicated to enhancing your digital journey through KlikNGo. We specialize in transforming ordinary customer interactions into meaningful engagements, all powered by the robust capabilities of KlikNGo. We craft personalized strategies, activate targeted digital campaigns, and design intuitive interfaces, all centered around enhancing your customer relationships.

Ready to embark on this exciting digital adventure with us? Let’s make your brand stand out in the digital jungle!


Jeffrey Hau
Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder


We’re committed to fueling business growth
and enhancing customer retention.